Monday, December 20, 2010

the love of a friend

you poor poor miserable being.

life didnt deal you the hand you anticipated did it?
you never quite imagined you'd end up this way..
so young and already fucking wasted my friend...
just take take taking didnt pan out so well for ya aye?..

you poor poor miserable being.

always something to say.

always something to say.

thats just weakness sweeping through you my dear.
your carcass is sad.
your mind in a bundle.
your days in a haze.
the light within me just makes you even more crazed....

you poor poor miserable being.

I wish upon you strength and clarity.
I wish upon you purpose.
I wish away your ignorance and hate..
your judgements and your unintelligent traits.
I wish away your need to only serve others and your true lack of self..
I wish away your mommy, and your friends, and your boyfriend
so you can just figure it all fucking out.
I wish for you to be alone in a room, with nothing but your skin....
looking only at your self in the mirrors, and let the eating hatred begin....

ahhh my dear Im ever so sorry, but from your confining shell Ive outgrown.
I, unlike you, can stand in the glory of the sun, without the closeness of anyone.
I unlike you, can breathe easy and be deep.
be one with the ocean, and sleep a restful sleep.
Ive erased my need for needing.
I washed away my pain.
I stand stronger now before you...
and for that youve become afraid.
I wish away your anger.
I wish away your fake.
I wish for you to be happy darlin
and to find your rightful place.
breathe my name forever sweetie because to you Im already dead.
rememer when I walk by you honey that Im not ever gonna leave your head....
my face will always haunt you,
my success will remind you of when....
carousels, ponys and doll babies consumed your little head...
before your soul was taken
and your heart was fuckin dead.